Monday, May 20, 2019

Brightland School : Bond between a teacher and a student

Brightland School: Bond between a teacher and a student

Best CBSE School in Lucknow

We have come to believe that a great the teacher is a not only a great artist but a great friend, who not only inspires you to be successful but helps you to move in the same direction.

The bond between a teacher and a student is tender enough to demand special love and nurturing. Until and unless a student isn’t comfortable with his mentor, he wouldn’t be able to open up and own his mistakes or shortcomings. Cherishing the same, the teachers on board are made to understand the value of befriending the children so that they can contribute towards the environment of mutual growth and acceptance.

What the teacher is, is more important than what he or she teaches. Hence, we instill in our faculties the value of empathy and compassion. As a result, the teachers are able to better understand where the child is lagging and cater in the same direction. Best CBSE School in Lucknow

What makes us stand out is this relationship of love and understanding that breaks all the shackles of biases and treats everyone equally. The teachers are asked to see the world through the perspective of the students and have the will to help and live them up.

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